Cultivating Orthodox
Christianity in America
The world around me is not the way it is supposed to be
I am tired of being angry about it. I reject the lie that there is no truth, no goodness, and no beauty. I reject the lie that everything is a lie. Despite all of my failures, I can feel the nobility of my soul; I know somehow that I was made to love and to be loved, and that I was made for …
Why I became an Orthodox Christian
Maintaining Our Identity as Orthodox Christians in America (G)
Clergy Directory
The Problem of Conservative New Calendarism
Audio Sermons Archive
About Us
Two-Headed Snake Cane?
How to become Orthodox

Visit a church
The first step is visiting a church regularly, asking questions, and meeting parishioners

As a Catechumen, you’ll prepare to live a Christian life; fasting, praying, and overcoming sins.

Baptism is the gateway into the Church, cleansing us of sin and rebirthing us in Christ. Chrismation brings the Holy Spirit into our souls, and communion of the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ physically joins us to Him.