Cultivating orthodox
Christianity in America

Cultivating orthodoxy in America

The world around me is not the way it is supposed to be

but I am tired of being angry about it. I reject the lie that there is no truth, no goodness, and no beauty. I reject  the lie that everything is a lie. Despite all of my failures, I can feel the nobility of my  soul; I know somehow that I was made to love and to be loved, and that I was made for …

Why I became an Orthodox Christian

How to become Orthodox

Visit a Church

The first step is visiting a church regularly, asking questions, and meeting parishioners


As a Catechumen, you’ll prepare to live a Christian life; fasting, praying, and overcoming sins.


Baptism is the gateway into the Church, cleansing us of sin and rebirthing us in Christ. Chrismation brings the Holy Spirit into our souls, and communion of the Body and Blood of Christ physically joins us to Him.

This world is fallen and in need of a savior.

The worst sins have become the highest virtues, and lies are the norm.

The world tells us that men can become women, that the solution to your incurable loneliness is drugs and promiscuity, that the desire to get married and raise a family is the patriarchy repressing you. 

These lies can never be questioned.

The religions of the world, even those which call themselves Christian, have bent to the spirit of the age. Each in turn changes to match the world. They say “there are many ways to heaven” and “that’s just your truth”. This is clearly false; truth can’t change. 

But what is truth?

Truth became man in the womb of His mother, taking on our human nature. Truth was born into this fallen world, to save us from our sins. Truth began and finished His teaching with repentance. Truth was sentenced to death for His witness. Truth raised Himself from the dead, and all of us with Him. 

Truth is not an idea, but a Person; Jesus Christ. The God who became man and died on the cross, to give us the Church. 

The Church is the pillar and ground of this Truth. It is a house built on rock, which the world will never shake or alter. It is the means for our salvation. 


The Church is not an idea, but a tangible body, one, holy, catholic, and apostolic.

It is one. We worship one God, one Christ, who has one body, which is the Church.

It is holy. The Church is a hospital for sinners a factory of saints.

It is catholic. It is complete, lacking nothing, and encompassing everything.

It is apostolic. The Apostles of Christ appointed successors, and gave them the Holy Spirit, to provide salvation until the end of the world.

The Church is our home.

There is no such thing as a Christian in isolation. We are social, and personal, and worship a God who became like us. We are a family, united by the Body and Blood of Christ flowing through our veins. 

The Church gives us the means to overcome sin, and become truly free. Our brothers and sisters help us to bear our burdens. Our priests provide us with the gifts of God, and teach our hands for war against the demons. Our bishops hold fast to the traditions given us: the unchanging Truth of Christ.

To live Orthodoxy is the only true way to be a Christian, and to live Christianity is the only way to be truly human.

The Church is where practical transformation happens. We worship God with all of ourselves: body, mind and spirit.  It is not a building we go to once a week to watch a show on a stage. The way we worship, is the way we believe, is the way we live.


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