106 Elm Street
Cobleskill, NY 12043
Saint Vladimir’s Orthodox Church
6824 128th Avenue Northwest
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T5C 1S7
+1 780‒476‒2381
Fr. Andrew Kencis (Archpriest) | (780)325-2357, (780)721-1202 | frandrew@monasterypress.com
Saint Mark Eugenikos Church
810 Ogilvy Avenue
Montréal, Québec, Canada H3N 1N8
+1 514‒276‒8408
Facebook | Youtube
Fr. Nicodemus (Archimandrite)
Fr. Luka Sanader (Deacon) | fr.dcn.luka@gmail.com
Mother of God of Proussa Orthodox Church
461 Richmond Street East
Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5A 1R1
+1 416‒364‒8918
Served by Diocesan clergy as assigned
416-449-8517, 416-767-3579
metmoses@goctoronto.org, frpanagiotes@yahoo.ca, frsavvas@goctoronto.org, FrParaskevas@goctoronto.org
Prophet Elias Orthodox Church 1247 Ingram Road Coe Hill, Ontario, Canada K0L 1P0 http://www.orthodoxyinfo.org/StNektarios/St.NektariosGreekOrthodoxCathedralProphetElias.html Served by Diocesan clergy as assigned | metmoses@goctoronto.org
Saint Joseph of Arimathea Orthodox Church 510 Whitevale Road Pickering, Ontario, Canada L1X 0J9 +1 905‒626‒6616 stjoseph.ws Facebook Fr. Sergius Pellegrini (Priest) Fr. George Kouros (Deacon)
Saints Raphael, Nikolaos, and Irene Orthodox Church
230 Glebemount Avenue
East York, Ontario, Canada M4C 3T4
+1 416‒425‒2232
Fr. David Belden (Priest)
Fr. Milisav Illić (Priest)
Holy Archangel Michael Orthodox Church 212 Delaware Avenue Toronto, Ontario, Canada M6H 2T5 +1 416‒536‒8565 sv.archangeldelaware@yahoo.ca starchangeltoronto.com/ Fr. Sofronije (Abbot)
Saint Nektarios Orthodox Cathedral
1223 Dovercourt Road
Toronto, Ontario, Canada M6H 2Y1
+1 416‒537‒7283
Metropolitan Moses of Toronto | metmoses@goctoronto.org
Fr. Savvas (Hieromonk) | frsavvas@goctoronto.org
Fr. Luke (Hierodeacon)
Fr. Panagiotes Carras (Protopriest) | frpanagiotes@yahoo.ca
Fr. Paraskevas Proskos (Priest) | FrParaskevas@goctoronto.org
Fr. Jeremy Burrows (Deacon)
St. John the New Almsgiver Hermitage Argyle, Nova Scotia
Monastery of Saint John the Theologian 500 St. Damien Road Ste Emelie de L'Energie5 QC J0K 2K0, Canada 1 (514) 276-8408
Convent of St. Anna 7870 Rue Birnam Montreal, QC H3N 2T4, Canada (514) 276-8408
Abbot: Fr. Nikodemos (Archimandrite)
Convent of the Protection of the Holy Virgin Mary Bluffton, Alberta Canada 1 (403) 843-6401 holy_protection_convent@yahoo.com Abbess: Mother Ambrosia (Schema-nun) Serving Priest: Fr. Dionisije (Hieromonk)