
Communiqué Concerning Resolutions of the Holy Synod

[PDF] Ελληνικά Church of the Genuine Orthodox Christians of Greece  Holy Synod  Communiqué Concerning Resolutions of the Holy Synod   February 5/18, 2021  On Thursday, February 5/18, 2021, the Holy Synod of the Church of the Genuine  Orthodox Christians of Greece convened for its sixth regular session, under the Presidency  of

The Masks Have Fallen

   When Christians make concessions and finally succumb to the imperative commands and absolute “wants” of the political leadership on matters concerning faith and tradition, then these are diminished, and over time, they are altered.    What we have been living through for about a year has exceeded all limits of patience. 

The Gadarenes of our Days

It is obvious that we are living in unprecedented situations with rapidly changing developments worldwide, with the occasion given by the deadly pandemic – as they call it – of coronavirus. From the moment they imposed measures for the protection of the citizens, many things have been said, particularly by

The Spiritual Watch, Vol 1 Issue 1

Below, please find the first issue of The Spiritual Watch, the new publication of the Metropolis of America, published with the blessings of His Eminence, Metropolitan Demetrius of America. In The Spiritual Watch, you will find news and information regarding our Holy Metropolis, as well as spiritual writings. The Spiritual

Προσφώνησις της Γερόντισσας Συγκλητικής προς τον Σεβ. Αμερικής κ. Δημήτριον

Σεβασμιώτατε Άγιε Δέσποτα κ. Δημήτριε Δεν νομίζω ότι η ημέρα αυτή είναι τυχαία για την Εκκλησία μας της Αγίας Μαρκέλλας. Ακριβώς εφέτος συμπληρώνονται 60 χρόνια από της ιδρύσεως της 1954-2014. Ο ταπεινός αλλά δραστήριος κι ενάρετος Αρχ. Πέτρος Αστυφίδης έβαλε τον θεμέλιο λίθο, την αρραγή πέτρα για να θεμελιώσει τον

Gerontissa Synklitiki’s address to His Eminence Metropolitan Demetrius

Your Eminence, Holy Master, Demetrius I do not believe that it is by chance that this year marks exactly the 60th anniversary of the founding of our Church of Saint Markella, from 1954 to 2014. The humble, but active and virtuous, Archbishop, Petros Astyfidis, laid the foundation stone. That stone

Ενθρονιστήριος Λόγος Μητροπολίτου Αμερικής κ. Δημητρίου

Σεβασμιώτατοι και Θεοφιλέστατοι Ιεράρχες, Σεβαστοί Πατέρες, Φίλτατοι αδελφοί μου εν Χριστώ, Ο Άγιος Διονύσιος ο Αρεοπαγίτης, μαθητής του Αγ. Παύλου και μυημένος στα μυστήρια του Θεού, μας λέει ότι: «Ἔστι μὲν ἱεραρχία … τάξις ἱερὰ καὶ ἐπιστήμη καὶ ἐνέργεια πρὸς τὸ θεοειδὲς ὡς ἐφικτὸν ἀφομοιουμένη … Σκοπὸς οὖν ἱεραρχίας ἐστὶν


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